At year's end, I like to take time to look back on all the photos I've taken during the past twelve months. It can be easy to forget the places you've been and all that you've seen -- looking back makes me grateful for highlights that might not have been at the front of my mind otherwise.
This year I also looked at the photos taken with my smartphone, which turned out to be a different kind of retrospective. I don't have an iPhone, so my camera phone kind of stinks -- I use it more to look at things from another angle than anything else. "Real memories" I try to use a proper camera for.
So going through my mobile photo album was equal parts embarrassing, boring, yet also weirdly entertaining -- like cleaning out your belly button or looking back at your search engine history (have I really Googled 'did Anne Hathaway have a nosejob' and 'cash out big booty lyrics'? Yes, yes I have.)
Anyway, just for kicks, I thought I'd share some of the trends I've found from my past year in dumb smartphone photos.
Perhaps more than anything else, I documented my experimentation with a lot of new nail colors:
I took a crap ton of photos of drinks -- some healthy, most not so much:
I had a lot of meals -- the majority of which were apparently eggs benedict: