Bellowing about other people

"In any case, they have to figure it out in their own way just as we do, in private. No matter how many interviews we read or see, how many pictures or videos get published, how many tell-alls get written, we will never see into the private circumstances of the Edwardses, the Sanfords, or the Spitzers, nor should we.

We have enough to do trying to understand and know ourselves, if we could only stop bellowing about other people long enough to try."

-From a very good Elle Magazine article by Mary Gaitskill, on the recent spate of adultery "scandals"

One of my New Years' resolutions was to stop visiting media/gossip websites. I'd always justified the time spent reading them with the fact that I'm in the media industry-- but if I'm going to be honest with myself, none of the information on sites like Gawker has anything to do with my life. At some point, I realized that my attention is not an infinite resource.

To my surprise, since January 1st I haven't even been tempted to sneak them back on to my RSS reader. Turns out I actually have a lot of things in my own, real world that have filled in to occupy my attention quite nicely.

On Earnestness

Young people in big cities like New York, Mr. Gessen said, "are willing to acknowledge that they’re a class only ironically. So they’ll have their ironic kickball games. Their ironic magazines."

"They’re willing to have the privileges of their class," Mr. Gessen added, "to go to a good college, and be subsidized in their New York lives by their parents, but maybe not willing to be written about."

... "[Readers of n+1] can’t tell if we’re kidding," he said. "They can’t tell how much of it is in earnest."

"It’s all in earnest."

I know I'm way behind on looking into Keith Gessen and n+1, but I just read this (nearly 2-year old) interview promoting his book and I want to know much, much more. I may just shell out the $150 for a 2-year subscription and all the back issues.

n+1 seems like the anti-McSweeney's and right now that sounds very refreshing to me.

Valentino on socializing

"Darling, at my age, I don't 'hang out.' I go to dinner."

-Fashion designer Valentino Garavani, in an interview in the April 2009 issue of InStyle (I picked up an old issue at the salon yesterday) in response to the question, "Where do you hang out in London?" 

Love it. And even though he's got more than 50 years on me, I'd probably answer the exact same way.

Love con leche

Alec Baldwin, giving more interview real talk (he's the best at that, really) in the December issue of Elle, on what he's looking for in a relationship:

'I don't really care. As long as we get along. As long as she likes the same strength coffee I do. It's the little things.'

And what strength is that?
