The love you take

"I like combing through my friends' [Facebook] photos... but the empty idleness of it all is sinking in. What began as a social networking trend in 2004 has grown into the equivalent of the Israeli army-- you have to join for at least two years and most of it is lonely patrol duty. I've lost track of all the hours I've killed in entrenched solitary socializing."

--Holly Millea in the January 2011 issue of Elle Magazine

Two thoughts:

1. Writers like Holly Millea are the reason I continue to subscribe to Elle. Millea has ruffled feathers by writing frankly about her experiences with plastic surgery and the like, but I think she's hilarious and sharp and I always love her stuff.

2. I see where she's coming from here, and it's a feeling I've gotten a lot from social media websites. I now think there are two antidotes: either participate more, or stop looking at it entirely.

Since I've realized I probably won't be quitting Facebook any time soon, I've found the only way it doesn't make me feel totally crummy is if I spend roughly the same amount of time contributing to the site (via commenting, messaging, posting my blog entries) as I do passively reading it. If you're not willing to pitch in your own information, spending an hour reading everyone else's content is liable to make you feel lonely, idle, vaguely jealous, resentful-- just generally awful.

I've found that equating my production and consumption is a pretty good rule of thumb for avoiding the alienating aspects of most media-- and actually, life in general.

"No negative blog viewing"

I just leafed through the latest issue of Complex Magazine (I have no idea how we started getting it in the mail, but a few months ago we did) and the article about the making of Kanye West's new album made me super jealous of the author, Noah Callahan-Bever, for being invited to spend time in Kanye's Hawaii studio this past spring. Whether you like hip-hop or not, talk about an amazing-intense-bananas creative experience.

Two of my favorite bits:

1. The list of "Kanye Commandments" tacked to the wall in the recording studio:

2. Nicki Minaj's hilarious anecdote:

"I don't even remember him ever working with a female rapper, so to be on an album and on a record this monstrous? I couldn't have planned it better in a perfect world.

I remember a conversation I had with Kanye every time I sit down to write now. Every single time I sit down, I remember him asking, 'What is it that you wanna say? It's not about rhyming words, it's about what you really wanna say.' The fact that he wasn't even looking at me when he said it-- he was on the computer looking at naked girls, I think-- it was just a life-changing experience."


"I've spent a lot of time in Mexico, and in Mexican culture they embrace death," Fonda explains. "On All Saints Day they sit on their ancestors' graves and they drink and they laugh. That's how to do it. To know it's coming, to try to understand. You're shortchanging yourself in life if you don't countenance your mortality."

--Jane Fonda on aging in the November issue of Elle Magazine.

It may be partly that I've got "sexy fill-in-the-blank" fatigue, but I'm starting to think Dia de los Muertos (traditionally celebrated November 1st-2nd) is a much more interesting holiday than Halloween.

Photo credit AlejandroLinaresGarcia

Funny people

Elle: "Do you think you can keep all this [writing, acting, stand-up, rapping] up?"

Donald Glover: "It's the same as asking,
Do you think you'll live forever? No. But I'm going to try! Also, I'm working on a device that will make me live forever."

Just discovered Donald Glover in the October issue of Elle Magazine and kind of love what I've found.