There have been a lot of hot-button news items cropping up for discussion on the web these days. Each time I get tempted to weigh in, though, I end up holding back.
Recently, someone I look up to told me why he didn't dig in his heels on a certain big debate at work. "It's just not the hill I want to die on," he said.
I like that phrasing. Perhaps at the moment, social media, or the Internet in general, is just not a hill I want to die on. It's a scary world out there for people who speak their minds.
That might change in time. But for now, I'm just having my most honest debates and arguments in meatspace.
Interviewer: "Do you get inspired by artists now? ...A lot of new music to me, I know it makes me sound like an old head, but it just don't sound the same. It just don't feel the same."
Jay Z: "Nah, there's good music. You just gotta mine for it. I mean, before, I felt there was an abundance of it. But that's what happens with anything successful.